Spaces for Events

This beautiful architectural gem was occupied until 2014, preserving a time capsule of the lives of its last inhabitants. Today, it has been converted into a museum and serves as an iconic venue for events, boasting the best location in Mérida.

Your Event at El Pinar

The ideal space for an experience of exquisite taste

Galería El Pinar Central 2

Central Esplanade

700 pax with pallet – 500 pax without pallet

Event Garden

500 pax with pallet– 450 pax without pallet

"Las Musas" Room

60 people

El Pinar Dining Room

18 pax


Getting ready / Photoshooting

Other Facilities

Kitchen – Bathrooms

Events Layouts


Discover the versatility of our spaces


Exclusive Space Rental Details

Nearby hotels

El Pinar is within walking distance of the best hotels in Mérida.Nearby Hotels


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